Welcome to the online ministry fair! Click on each section to discover great ways to grow in your faith, as well as connect and serve within our church community.
Prayer Class Sundays | 6pm | Sanctuary Learn and practice various kinds of prayer and prayer ministry, including intercession and healing prayer. Open to everyone who is interested in deepening their prayer life; no special prayer experience is necessary. Contact Pastor Heather Smith
Kingdom Intercession Sunday Mornings | 9:15am | Church Library Praying for God's hand over our church, our community, our world, and for the growth of his kingdom. Contact Pastor Heather Smith
Prayer at the Cross Intercede at the cross during the service and pray with those who come back with prayer needs. Contact Pastor Heather Smith
Prayer and Worship Service First Sunday of the Month | 6pm | Sanctuary An informal monthly service of quiet worship, reflection, prayer, and sharing what God is saying and doing in our lives. Contact Pastor Heather Smith
Email Prayer Chain Join with others in praying for the needs of our church family. Sign up to receive an e-mail when a prayer request is sent to the church office. Contact Cheri McDoanld
Adult Discipleship
Grow Together Wednesdays: Adult Classes Wednesdays | 6:30-8pm
Gospel of Mark Discussion utilizing NIV commentary on Mark's gospel. Facilitated by Pastor Mike
Marriage Class Video teaching series and group discussion. For both married and pre-married adults. Facilitated by Kevin Halverson
Now That Faith Has Come: A Study in Galatians Women's Bible study. Facilitated by Hannah Johnson and Kate Zachry
Crescendo - Living Lives of Lasting Purpose An option providing community, growth, and serving opportunities for adults age 50+. Facilitated by Kathie Adams
The Table: Young Adult Community Young adults are welcome to join us every other Tuesday night for food, scripture, and community. Email Cory Alverts
Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study: Ezra/Nehemiah Tuesdays, Starting September 5 | 9:30-11am | Church Library Join us on Tuesday mornings for our women's Bible study focusing on Ezra/Nehemiah. Contact Jane Dyson
Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study: The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi Thursdays, Starting September 7 | 9:30-11am | Church Library Join us on Thursday mornings for our women's study. We will be reading the book The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi by Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel. Contact Cathy Ellis
Cross Threaded: Men's Discipleship Group Saturdays | 8:30am | Church Library Join us on Saturday mornings for Cross Threaded, our men's discipleship group. Great men, great food, and growing in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ! Contact Aaron Hopkins
GriefShare Thursdays | 6pm | Church Library GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. More Information|Contact Pastor Heather Smith
Love Lifted Me: 2023 Covenant Women's Retreat September 22-24 | North Star Bible Camp, Willow You’re invited to a weekend of fun with others, encouragement in your faith, and time away to recharge at the Covenant Women Statewide Retreat. Worship, food, fellowship, learning, crafts, and more with women from all over Alaska. More Information on Retreat Website| Contact Sharron Carlson
Small Groups Contact Pastor Tyler for information about the numerous small group opportunities that are available. Contact Pastor Tyler Shaw
Perspectives Monday evenings starting in January | Sanctuary God has a unique role for each Christian in His global purpose of evangelizing the nations. Perspectives isn’t a course solely about world missions, it’s a study program rooted in Scripture, clarifying each believer’s remarkable opportunity to join God in His global purpose. Visit the Perspectives Website|Contact Sarah Pace
Colson Fellows Next cohort will be starting summer 2024 Gain wisdom. Live faithfully. Act courageously. Join us for a ten-month exploration of the Christian worldview and how to live courageously and faithfully in today's culture. Visit the Colson Fellows Website | Contact Ted Smith
Middle School Youth Group Wednesday, starting September 13 | 6-7:30pm Contact Katie Gardner
LIFT: High School Youth Group Sundays, starting September 10 | 4-6pm Volunteers are needed to help provide dinner for our high schoolers once a month. Contact Katie Gardner
Tea-ology Nights Once a month on Monday evenings, 5-6:30 Tea-ology dates for fall semester: Sept. 18, Oct. 23, Nov. 20 Drink tea and learn about theology! 6-12th graders welcome. We would also love volunteers who would be interested in sharing/teaching a theology topic to our students!
YoungLife Young Life is a ministry that reaches out to local youth: where they are, on their turf, and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship in order to introduce them to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. Contact Aaron Hopkins|Eagle River YoungLife Website
Kids Ministry
Kids Connection During Sunday Morning Service Kids Connection is our Sunday morning program for children. We have classes for kids from age 3 through 10. Children join their families for the first part of the worship service and are dismissed before the message. Contact Dana Chadwick
Grow Together: Dig In! Wednesdays | 6pm Building on the week's Kids Connection theme and story, dig in and go deeper into God's word. Contact Elisabeth DeFoor
Sunday Morning Teams
Worship Team Do you sing or play an instrument and want to help our congregation encounter God through musical worship? Ways to serve on our team include instrumentalist, vocalist, brass or strings, and percussion. Contact Pastor Tyler Shaw
Tech Team The tech team is vital in helping to create a worshipful environment. If you love music, enjoy technology, like to see a program come together, and can give attention to details, considering serving in this area. Help is needed with sound, projection, and our livestream. Training for all positions is available. Contact Pastor Tyler Shaw
Ushers Help create a welcoming and safe environment where people are free to encounter God, and help with some of the logistics in our worship area, including assisting with seating, worship guides, and the offering. Contact Pastor Tyler Shaw
Greeters Be a friendly and welcoming face as people walk in the door. No experience needed. This is a great way for couples and families to serve together! Contact Sarah Pace
Mission Cafe Team Learn to make espresso and other coffee house-style beverages, then help serve as needed in the Mission Cafe. No experience is needed and training is provided. This is a great way for high schoolers to pick up a practical job skill, and a rare opportunity for a couple or family to serve together. Contact Stephen Lochner
More Ways to Connect and Serve
Care Meals Be on call for a “meal train” to provide care meals within our church family following a death, surgery, birth, or other need where meal assistance would be a blessing. Contact Cheri McDonald
Building Care Team Help us be a good steward of our church property as maintenance and upkeep needs arise. Periodic needs include handyman-level projects, painting, grounds-keeping, snow shoveling, etc. Contact Cheri McDonald
Holy Yoga with Spirit Fit Yoga For info about class schedules, please email Chris Coursey or text (907)223-0800 Holy Yoga, or any form of Christian yoga, is not a religion. Rather, it is a physical practice of aligning the body combined with breath work and mindful intention of reliance on God. Holy Yoga was designed for and is dedicated to facilitating the experiential worship and celebration of God through movement and meditation to all believers in and seekers of Jesus Christ. Contact Chris Coursey | Spirit Fit Yoga on Facebook
Health Ministry Dates and times to be announced Help our community, both internally and externally, work towards a model of healthy living that will seek balance in 6 key components of life; Faith life, Movement (physical), Medical, Work, Emotional, Nutrition, and Friends and Family. If you have a caring heart and a desire to help others this may be a way to use your talents. Contact Kathie Adams
Photography Group Dates, times, and locations to be announced Meet-ups for believers interested in photography. The group will focus on discussion, learning, sharing and feedback, and growth. Members can expect a mix of presentations, photo feedback sessions, and indoor/outdoor photo sessions. This group will be open to all skill levels, styles, and ages of photographers. Contact Lorelei Lontoc or Roy Pace
Weekly E-mail Updates What's going on around the church right now? What events are coming up? What are some current ways serve? Stay up to date with the happenings in our community, including opportunities for kids, youth, and adults, with a Weekly Update sent to your email box each Monday. Sign Up for the Weekly E-Mail Update