Beth and Larry Smith
Note from Beth and Larry: We want to thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts, for your compassion for the Kenyan people from the year 2016 - 2019. By God’s strength, we joyously exceeded our initial two-year commitment. We love the Kenyans, and they love us, truly together. We are now back in Alaska and will freshen Larry’s American clinical and hospital skills. We will prayerfully prepare for our dream of a long-term model going back and forth into and out of Kenya, including taking teams, for the rest of our able lives, God willing. Our work permits, entry visas, and professional licenses are renewable under the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya’s sponsorship. We praise God who is abundant!!! We are humbled by your sacrifice and support. God knows how generous you have been toward the desperate needs of the struggling but tirelessly creative Kenyans. We are looking forward to more team mobile medical camps for hundreds of impoverished church, mosque, and community patients in November and December 2019. You are welcome to join future teaching teams, very wanted indeed! God wins, again and always, because He is good. Psalm 119: 10 instructs all of us as following: “I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.” We believe that God designs people for victory and for life without fear. We think you show incredible courage as partners. Here is applause to visions ahead! |
Greg and Kristi Fauss
Greg and Krisi have lived in Berlin for many years serving in the areas of church planting, church vitality, and ministry to refugees. They recently moved back to California where they (particularly Greg) will continue working in Berlin through a combination of regular visits and online engagement. Greg will focus on church vitality, revitalization, and mobilization--connecting people wanting to serve God through meeting specific needs in Germany and Europe. |
Pastor at Sea - George Mastroyanis
Pastor George Mastroyanis is a pastor at Community Covenant Church. His ministry focus is serving passengers and crew members aboard cruise ships. Sailing in Alaskan and international waters, George and his wife Sandie are an integral part of Community Covenant's mission to bring Christ's hope, healing, and wholeness to our community and to our world. |
Nana's House
Missionaries Dwight and Mary Jo Hansen envisioned establishing a nurturing sanctuary for children in Tepic, Mexico. Nana's House was founded in 2006 with just a few girls and began its partnership with Community Covenant in 2015. The idea for Nana's House was to make a home that is just as safe, happy, and healthy as our own homes. The children are not warehoused in an institution but lovingly raised by well-trained paid staff. Starting with one House for just ten girls, Nana's House has grown into two girls' and a boys' homes. Each child is busy with church, private school, and creative activities. We see each shattered life transformed in just a few months as the children receive the loving care of the staff and enjoy a safe place. Nana's House has two beautiful homes they built on one property. Join us in supporting their efforts! |
Sunday Service
Sunday Service Time: 10:00am
Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday 9am - 4pm |